Each entry includes all the occurrences of that Greek word in the Byzantine Textform 2005/2010 and a very literal translation of it.
fage . fagesai . fagete . faghte . fagoi . fagonteV . fagw . fagwsin . failonhV . fainenetai . fainetai . fainomenh . fainomenwn . fainonti . fainwn . Faleg . faneitai . faneroi . faneroumenoi . fanerounti . fanerouV . fanerow . fanerwqeisan . fanerwqentoV . fanerwqhnai . fanerwqwsin . fanerwsei . fanerwson . fanerwV . fanhsetai . Fanouhl . fantasia . fantasma . fantazw . fanwn . faragx . FareV . Farisaioi . Farisaiou . FarisaioV . farmakeia . farmakeusin . farmakia . farmakoi . farmakon . farmakwn . fasiV . faskonteV . fatnh . faula . fauloV . feidomai . feidomenoV . feisetai . feisomai . felonhV . ferei . feresqai . ferh . feromenhn . feromenoi . feronteV . ferousan . ferw . ferwn . feugei . feugetwsan . feuxetai . F-GPF . Fhlika . FhlikoV . fhmh . fhmizw . fhsin . Fhston . FhstoV . fialaV . fialhn . Filadelfeian . filadelfian . filadelfoi . filagaqon . filandrouV . filanqrwpia . filanqrwpwV . filarguroi . filautoi . filaV . filei . filew . filhdonoV . filhmati . Filhmoni . filhsai . FilhtoV . Filippe . FilipphsiouV . Filippoi . Filippon . FilippouV . Filippw . filofroneV . filofrwn . filoiV . FilologoV . filoneikia . filonexia . filoprwteuwn . filoqeoV . filosofiaV . filosofwn . filostorgoV . filoteknoV . filotimeomai . filotimoumeqa . filountwn . filousin . filoV . filoxeniaV . filoxenon . filw . fimoun . fimwqhti . Flegonta . floga . flogizomenh . flogizw . flox . fluaroi . fluarwn . fobeisqe . foberon . fobew . fobhqeisa . fobhqenteV . fobhqhsomai . fobhqhV . fobhtai . fobhtron . fobon . foboumai . foboumenoi . foboumenoV . foboV . Foibh . FoibhV . foinikaV . Foinikh . FoinikhV . foinix . foneiV . foneuete . foneuseiV . foneushV . foneusin . foneuw . fonon . fonoV . fonwn . foresomen . forew . forou . forounteV . foroV . fortioiV . fortiou . fortizw . Fortounatou . fortoV . Fourtounatou . fqarh . fqarthV . fqarton . fqartoV . fqeggesqai . fqeggomenoi . fqeirei . fqeirontai . fqeirw . fqinopwrina . fqoggoiV . fqonew . fqonon . fqonounteV . fqonoV . fqora . fqoraV . fragellow . fragh . fragmon . fragmouV . frason . frazw . freatoV . frenapatai . frenapathV . frhn . frissw . fronein . froneite . fronew . fronhsei . fronhsiV . fronimoi . fronimoV . fronimwteroi . fronounteV . frontizw . fronwmen . frourew . frouroumenouV . fruganon . Frugia . FrugiaV . fugein . FugeloV . fughte . fulaiV . fulakaV . fulakh . fulakhV . fulakizwn . fulakthrion . fulassesqai . fulassh . fulassonteV . fulassou . fulassw . fulaV . fulaxai . fulaxei . fulaxhV . fulh . fulhV . fullon . fuousa . furamatoV . fusewV . fusikhn . fusikwV . fusioi . fusiousqe . fusiow . fusiwseiV . futeia . futeuqhti . futeuwn . fwleouV . fwnai . fwnaV . fwneite . fwnh . fwnhqhnai . fwnhsan . fwnhsate . fwnhsei . fwnhson . fwnounteV . fwnousin . fwsforoV . fwsthreV . fwteinh . fwteinoV . fwtiei . fwtisantoV . fwtismon . fwtisqentaV . fwtizei . fwtizw . fwtwn

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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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