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÷καί Symbol Font Transliteration: ei kai BetaCode: EI) KAI/ RMAC: {idiom} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: even if Lexicon Entry: εἰ καί G1499

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÷καί Symbol Font Transliteration: kai BetaCode: KAI/ RMAC: {CONJ} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: and/also/even/both Lexicon Entry: καί G2532

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÷καί Symbol Font Transliteration: own kai ohn kai oercomenoV BetaCode: O(W)\N KAI/ O(H)=N KAI/ O(E)RXO/MENOS2 RMAC: {A Phrase} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: who is who was and who is to come Lexicon Entry: ὁὢν καί ὁἦν καί ὁἐρχόμενος G3801

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÷καί Symbol Font Transliteration: own kai ohn kai oercomenoV BetaCode: O(W)\N KAI/ O(H)=N KAI/ O(E)RXO/MENOS2 RMAC: {A Phrase} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: who is who was and who is to come Lexicon Entry: ὁὢν καί ὁἦν καί ὁἐρχόμενος G3801

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καί G2532
Part of Speech:{CONJ}
MLV/Definition:A> and, B> [DOUBLE CONJUNCTION:] even, also, both~
Supplement:(NOTE: if you find any “non-uniform” instances please let us know. Thanks.)
Etymology:{primary particle}
Used in many contractions

Greek Concordance:[9216][9216 Occurrences (Too many to list.)]

KJV: and 8182, also 515, even 108, both 43, then 20, so 18, likewise 13, not tr. 354, misc 46, vr and 1TR:9280


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εἰ καί G1499
Part of Speech:{idiom}
Supplement:(even if, MULTIPLE WORDS)
Etymology:{εἰ G1487 & καί G2532}

Greek Concordance:[0][LISTED SEPARATELY]

KJV: though 14, if 4, and if 2, if that 1, if also 1TR:22


Lexicon Next Entry
ὁὢν καί ὁἦν καί ὁἐρχόμενος G3801
Part of Speech:{A Phrase}
MLV/Definition:[NOT IN BYZ MAJ]
Supplement:(who is, who was and who is to come)
Etymology:{ὁ G3588 + εἰμί G1510 + ἔρχομαι G2064}

Greek Concordance:[0][LISTED SEPARATELY]

KJV: which is 2, and which was 2, and which is to come 2, which art 2, and wast 2, which was 1, and is 1, and is to come 1, and art to come 1, and shall be 1TR:15


Lexicon Next Entry
ὁὢν καί ὁἦν καί ὁἐρχόμενος G3801
Part of Speech:{A Phrase}
MLV/Definition:[NOT IN BYZ MAJ]
Supplement:(who is, who was and who is to come)
Etymology:{ὁ G3588 + εἰμί G1510 + ἔρχομαι G2064}

Greek Concordance:[0][LISTED SEPARATELY]

KJV: which is 2, and which was 2, and which is to come 2, which art 2, and wast 2, which was 1, and is 1, and is to come 1, and art to come 1, and shall be 1TR:15


Home Page of the Modern Literal Version. © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved.
Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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Jesus is Lord of all.