First Entry
Part of Speech: {N-NSF} {Loc}
MLV/Definition: Salamis*
Supplement: (Sal-a-mis, Act_13:5. A seaport on the east end of the island of Cyprus. It was situated some three miles to the North of the medieval and modern Famagusta. It lay near the river Pediaeus, at the eastern extremity of the great plain of the Mesorea, which runs far into the interior of the island toward Nicosia (Lefkosia), the present capital. It possessed a good harbor and was the most populous and flourishing town of Cyprus in the Hellenic and Roman periods, carrying on a vigorous trade with the ports of Cilicia and Syria. Its population was mixed, consisting of Greek and Phoenician elements. The former, however, gave its tone and color to the city, and the chief cult and temple were those of Salaminian Zeus. ISBE) (Salmis = 'salt)
Etymology: {σάλος G4535 ?}
No related compounds.

Greek Concordance: [1] Act_13:5

KJV: Salamis 1 TR: 1


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The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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