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÷καταργέω Symbol Font Transliteration: katargew BetaCode: KATARGE/W RMAC: {V-PAI:1S} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: (I) am doing-away-with Lexicon Entry: καταργέω G2673

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καταργέω G2673
Part of Speech:{V-PAI:1S}
MLV/Definition:doing@, away@, with*, done@, away*, do@, away@, with*, does@, away@, with*, done@, away@, with*, [25]
Supplement:(annul, abolish, wipe out)
Etymology:{κατά G2596 + G0691}

Greek Concordance:[27]Luk 13:7, Rom 3:3, Rom 3:31, Rom 4:14, Rom 6:6, Rom 7:2, Rom 7:6, 1Co 1:28, 1Co 2:6, 1Co 6:13, 1Co 13:8, 1Co 13:8, 1Co 13:10, 1Co 13:11, 1Co 15:24, 1Co 15:26, 2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:11, 2Co 3:13, 2Co 3:14, Gal 3:17, Gal 5:4, Gal 5:11, Eph 2:15, 2Th 2:8, 2Ti 1:10, Heb 2:14,

KJV: destroy 5, do away 3, abolish 3, cumber 1, loose 1, cease 1, fall 1, deliver 1, misc 11TR:27
TDNT:1:452, 76

Home Page of the Modern Literal Version. © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved.
Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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