First Entry
(G5837 OLB) Synonyms: dokeo (δοκέω G1380), egeomai (ἡγέομαι G2233), nomizo (νομίζω G3543), oiomai (οἴομαι G3633), phaino (φαίνω G5316).

Compare: (δοκέω G1380), (φαίνω G5316) G1380- refers to the subjective judgment, which may or may not conform to the fact G5316- refers to the actual external appearance, generally correct, but possibly deceptive Compare: (δοκέω G1380), (ἡγέομαι G2233) (2), (νομίζω G3543) (2), (οἴομαι G3633) ἡγέομαι G2233 and νομίζω G3543 denote a belief resting not on one's inner feeling or sentiment, but on the due consideration of external grounds, and the weighing and comparing of facts. δοκέω G1380 and οἴομαι G3633 on the other hand, describe a subjective judgment growing out of inclination or a view of facts in their relation to us. ἡγέομαι G2233 denotes a more deliberate and careful judgment than νομίζω G3543. οἴομαι G3633 a subjective judgment which has feeling rather than thought (1380) for its ground.


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